A brand to mirror an innovative and creative approach

Trivandi is a global leader in providing advisory, design, and delivery services for major events, venues, destinations, and sports organisations. Following an in-house developed, re-defined brand personality, refocussed messaging, and a refreshed brand identity, we were asked to assist their internal creative team to extend and establish the associated visual framework. Moving away from a corporate style look & feel, we helped them to realise their ambition to reflect a creative, visually striking, uniquely identifiable visual system that is worthy of their approach and style, and positions Trivandi as leaders in their industry. 

We applied the new look and feel across a variety of templates, including presentations, graphics, social media, brochures, and stationery, ensuring a user-friendly framework that is visually compelling and fit for purpose. 

In-house design support
Visual framework


UCI World Champs


Scottish Cycling